Sunday, September 7, 2014

About Me-- Get to know Pedigrino Gaming

     My name is Eric Wade, but in-game I am usually Pedigrino, and I live in the state of Virginia in the United States. Before deciding to root down in Virginia I lived overseas with my father and brother and because of my fathers embassy job I have been fortunate enough to be able to live in several countries such as the Philippines, China, and Vietnam. Hanoi, Vietnam was where my gaming experiences and passion grew as that was one of the ways for many of our classmates to bond and hang out. Vietnam was also the most memorable part of my life, as well as the most important, because it was where I have met most of my best friends and where I have spent most of my teenage years. When I am not studying or hanging out with friends I am most likely picking up a controller or on my laptop playing games or looking for new ones.

     Gaming was something that stuck with me after Vietnam as it was where a lot of good memories were for me and the idea of escaping the real world for a few hours of fun is just to appealing to ignore. My favorite type of games are ones where the player makes a lot of game altering decisions and where the player is not restricted to one path the entire game. Skyrim is a good example of my ideal game because it is a free roam game where there is so much to do and even if you finish the game with one character you can start all over with a completely new character and still have fun. Though free-roam action/adventure games are my favorite there are also a lot more that interest me like: Minecraft, Kerbal Space Program, Starcraft 2, Civilization 5, Sims 3, and many more.

     This blog will be mostly about my opinions and reviews on games that I have played and are currently playing. I will try and keep a wide variety of games in mind because you never know when a good game will pop up. So I guess that about wraps up the basics and I hope you enjoy reading as much as I will enjoy playing!

Happy Gaming,

1 comment:

  1. Just wanted to say that you have an awesome blog! Can't wait to read more of your epic posts :D Excited!!! Keep up the good work!
