Sunday, September 7, 2014

About Me-- Get to know Pedigrino Gaming

     My name is Eric Wade, but in-game I am usually Pedigrino, and I live in the state of Virginia in the United States. Before deciding to root down in Virginia I lived overseas with my father and brother and because of my fathers embassy job I have been fortunate enough to be able to live in several countries such as the Philippines, China, and Vietnam. Hanoi, Vietnam was where my gaming experiences and passion grew as that was one of the ways for many of our classmates to bond and hang out. Vietnam was also the most memorable part of my life, as well as the most important, because it was where I have met most of my best friends and where I have spent most of my teenage years. When I am not studying or hanging out with friends I am most likely picking up a controller or on my laptop playing games or looking for new ones.

Friday, August 29, 2014

About Me-- New Member!

     I'm Menna, and I'm the newest member of Pedigrino. Eric so ingeniously came up with the idea of evolving this blog into a YouTube gaming channel, and he generously offered me (and one more member whom we will be introducing very soon) a spot on this channel. The three of us went to high school together and now attend the same university, where we spent a lot of last year performing shenanigans in each others' company. So, we figured why not share the fun with everyone else? Hence our new channel.

Saturday, June 28, 2014

Happy Wheels, Our New YouTube Series

     Alongside our Tomb Raider series, we're happy to announce that we'll be releasing a new series playing the classic game, the game that has captured millions with its fascinating graphics, riveting story, and mind-boggling attention to details: Happy Wheels. On a more serious note, we've had a ton of fun playing this simple (yet elegant) game, so we've decided to share our joy. We hope you enjoy the shenanigans we perform in this new series.

Tuesday, June 24, 2014

The future of Pedigrino Gaming, re-branding, and new content....

     Hey everyone, it has been a while since I have posted anything on this blog, but don't worry I am still here! I understand that it has been many months since I have posted anything, but that doesn't mean I have forgotten. There are several reasons for my long absence. Firstly I had to return to school after summer vacation ended. Thus, my schoolwork moved up my priority list, and unfortunately I didn't have time to update this blog. Secondly, I didn't like the direction this blog was going in. I felt as though it wasn't really going anywhere, and the content that was being produced was not up to my standards; therefore, I had to rethink where I wanted this blog to go. Thirdly, while pondering over what to do with the direction of this blog, two of my friends and I talked about and started a YouTube channel where we would release videos of our game play experiences, which brings me to this post and the future of this blog. As you may have noticed, there has been a bit of a rebranding of this blog, and it has become Pedigrino Lifestyle. This rebranding is part of the new direction that this blog will take, and so I will answer several questions concerning this blog.