Who wouldn't love to take half a day, maybe even days, off to sit down and play some Civ 5. Well, now that fun civ 5 experience is further enhanced with the new expansion, Civ 5: Brave New World. Yes the in depth civ 5 game will new have even more features that are put in place to further enhance the civ 5 experience. Brave new world brings several new features to the game one of which are trade routes. Trade routes are another way of earning wealth for your people as well as spreading your culture and religion. With this addition, leaders can choose to have their civilization become an international trade hub where wealth will flow in, but make sure your routes are secure. Along with trade routes, the new expansion also brings new civilizations that the player can choose including: Poland, Brazil, Assyria, Venice, Shoshone, Indonesia, Morocco, Zulu, and Portugal. The addition of these new civilizations allow for the player to expand their already handful of choices and explore many new civilization's strengths an weaknesses.