Aldmeri Dominion
The Aldmeri Dominion is comprised of the High Elfs, Wood Elfs, and Khajiits. They are led by the young 28 year old High Elf, Queen Ayrenn and the alliance is formed through the mutual agreement of gaining the throne for the benefit of all Tamriel. The three races of the Aldmeri Dominion don't seek the throne for glory or power, but rather they believe that a ruler from the Dominion would be well equipped to keep the peace and drive away the chaos. The homelands of these races are: Summerset Isle for the High Elf's, Valenwood for the Wood Elf's(also known as Bosmer), and finally Elsweyr for the Kahjiit's. With the Kahjiit blades, the High elf magic, and the Wood elf bow's, the Aldmeri Dominion is a strong force on the battlefield but no fight is easy.

The Daggerfall Covenant is result of the formation of three races joining together to take the throne; these races are the Bretons, the Redgaurds, and the Orcs. High King Emeric, a Breton merchant, is the leader of the Daggerfall Covenant whose homelands lie in the northwest of Tamriel. The High King was able to gain the Redgaurds alliance through marriage and the Orcs through a war treaty. The goal of the Daggerfall Covenant is to take back the Ruby Throne and strike down anyone who dares oppose them. The Covenant is no joke and when it comes down to it they will show their force on the battlefield.
Ebonheart Pact
The Ebonheart Pact is arguably the most unlikely of alliances with the Dark Elfs, Nords, and Argonians taking up arms in the name of their homelands and the preservation of their freedoms. With Jorunn, a Nord from Eastern Skyrim, as acting High King the other races accept this on the condition that all actions are ratified through all three races first. Though it may seem a very unlikely pact, it is the similarities which forge a strong alliance within the Ebonheart Pact. Make no mistake this is a very strong force on the battlefield with the Dark Elfs magic, Argonians use of stealth and the wealding of their swords, and the Nords natural ability to strongly wield a sword.
There are three strong factions in ESO and many choices to make, not only with factions but with races too, and in the end only fate will decide who sits on the Ruby Throne.
If you haven't seen it yet here is the ESO cinematic trailer:
Comment below and tell me which faction is your favorite!
Happy Gaming,
I can't wait for this game to come, Although i'm curious if it's going to be good, mostly because i'm a big Elder Scrolls fan